
Entries Available – driveWISE 6/25 @ RRC

Entries are still available for either the morning or the afternoon driveWISE Accident Avoidance Schools at Richmond Raceway Complex on Saturday June 25. Spaces are limited so the car counts are low (which means everyone will get maximum “seat time” during the exercises) and the longer you wait to register, the more these schools cost. So please join us for a day of education and fun! The skills you gain by doing one of these schools will be with you every time you get behind the wheel – and you hope you never need to use the skills, but when you do, you will be thankful! “Safely avoiding that opossum instead of swerving into a ditch was just like we practiced in that parking lot with driveWISE.”

Sat 6/25 morning school info & registration:

Sat 6/25 afternoon school info & registration:

Posted in: Get Fast News